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Spanish Foreign Minister Albares Insists on Ceasefire in Gaza, Funding for UNRWA

Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares appearing on the Saudi-run Arab News newspaper’s podcast “Frankly Speaking” Feb. 11, stated that Spain will take is own action against the Israeli barbaric assault and killings of Palestinians, even if most nations in Europe continue to take no action.

While most of the 27 members of the European Union equivocate, he said Spain’s view is “very clear”:

“We’re calling for a permanent ceasefire, the immediate release of hostages, the immediate access of humanitarian aid, and for a peace conference that will be the framework (for) implementation of the two-state solution,” Albares said. “We all know the real solution for this situation in the Middle East and for a definitive peace is a state with the West Bank and Gaza under one single Palestinian authority that is connected by a corridor with an exit to the sea and with the capital in East Jerusalem.”

Albares, who is on a tour of Arab nations proffered: “We needed a great moment of Euro-Arab unity…. This is what we are calling for and we will not stop calling for that. And my tour in the region, in Riyadh, in the Emirates, is carrying this message, and in the medium- and long-term we need the State of Palestine.”

Speaking of the foolish Israeli dossier against UNRWA, Albares asserted, “There are allegations against 12 people [in UNRWA] and we take this very seriously and we are looking at the conclusion of the inquiry,” he said, referring to the UN agency’s internal investigation.

“But UNRWA is indispensable. There is no substitute for UNRWA. They are taking care of millions of refugees in Gaza. And in many other places—Lebanon, in Jordan, the West Bank—and what they do in Gaza is absolutely fundamental.”

Arab News is owned by Prince Turki bin Salman Al Saud, the brother of the Prime Minister Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud. Saudi Arabia is one of the nations engaged in intensive diplomacy on this subject.