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Ukraine's Security Service Wary of Insurrection Against Zelenskyy

Prior to today’s sacking of Ukraine’s Commander-in-chief Valery Zaluzhny, Ukrainska Pravda had reported, yesterday, that Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) had warned President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of the potential for unrest or even a military revolt. UP's sources explained that such an SBU warning was responsible for Zelenskyy pulling back on his announcement on Feb 2.

According to sources, the agency told its staff to be ready for riots in Kiev if the general, who remains popular with both the public and the troops, were removed. Further, the SBU reached out to some of the military commanders to make sure that they keep an eye on their troops. In particular, they were not to leave their positions.

Assumedly, after today’s move to dump Zaluzhny, such or similar measures have been put into place to attempt to tamper down the possibility of moves against Zelenskyy’s clique in Kiev.