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March 25, 2024 (EIRNS)—Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on March 24 expanded on her March 22 denunciation of Israeli genocide against Palestinians on the floor of the U.S. Congress, where she said: “If you want to know what an unfolding genocide looks like, open your eyes. It looks like the forced famine of 1.1 million innocents. It looks like thousands of children eating grass as their bodies consume themselves, while trucks of food are slowed and halted just miles away.”

Asked by CNN anchor Jake Tapper on Sunday, March 24 about genocide, she said: “The word is extremely serious. It’s one that’s taken with extraordinary gravity. And, to me, the threshold of intent is a high one, it is a serious one, and it is not one that is made lightly.

“I think it is extremely clear and it is extremely important that all people understand the difference between people and their governments, Israelis and the Israeli government, Palestinians from Hamas. But what we are seeing here, I think, with a forced famine, is beyond our ability to deny or explain away. There is no targeting of Hamas in precipitating a mass famine of a million people, half of whom are children.”