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Germany’s Christian Democrats Pushing for Taurus Missiles for Ukraine

March 12, 2024 (EIRNS)—An earlier vote having failed to get a majority in the German Bundestag, the Christian Democrats (CDU) have filed a motion to be voted on later this week in favor of delivering Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine. While Chancellor Olaf Scholz has again reiterated his rejection to such deliveries, the CDU is counting votes from Green and Free Democrat deserters from the government coalition.

A potential “yes” to delivery would also, the CDU argues, imply an agreement to substantially increase production of the missiles. At present, Germany’s armed forces have 300 Taurus missiles ready for deployment; another 300, which need certification, are stored at its main producer, MDBA, in southern Germany. Germany needs at least 500 for its own armed forces, and another 1,000 have been offered to other NATO partners.

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