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CNN Joins New York Times Claiming Russia Planned To Nuke Ukraine in 2002

March 10, 2024 (EIRNS)—CNN is running as an “exclusive,” the same story about the Biden Administration “concerns” that Russia was going to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine in late 2022, that was retailed by New York Times national security correspondent William J. Hennigan on March 4. The CNN story on March 9, by correspondent Jim Sciutto, however, is actually a book promotion. “I first reported U.S. officials were worried about Russia using a tactical nuclear weapon in 2022, but in my new book, The Return of Great Powers publishing on March 12, I reveal exclusive details on the unprecedented level of contingency planning carried out as senior members of the Biden administration became increasingly alarmed by the situation,” Sciutto writes.

According to the Indian press, CNN also claims that India and China intervened at the time to persuade Russia not to use nuclear weapons, as Russia was supposedly losing ground to Ukraine—a claim that fits with the kind of myths often created by CNN.

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