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Italian General Mini Cautions, If Europe Escalates, Russia Will Nuke It

Gen. Fabio Mini. Credti: NATO

March 4, 2024 (EIRNS)—In an interview published on March 1 with the online publication Il, former NATO Chief of Staff for Southern Europe, Italian Lt. Gen. Fabio Mini (ret.) warns that, if the Europeans escalate in Ukraine, the nuclear option is on the table.

“Everyone pretends that the use of nuclear power is not being considered,” Mini said. “But it is an argument that Zelenskyy brought up when he started talking about Russia’s nuclear bluff. Instead, the nuclear option is not only on the agenda, it is the natural consequence of any military escalation. Someone like Macron thinks Western troops should be sent to Ukraine, while NATO denies this possibility. Yes, but you can send the planes, the missiles, the drones. In this case, for the Russians the tactical nuclear option is almost an automatic consequence.”

“If the West were to raise the level of confrontation, would the Russians use tactical nuclear weapons?” asks Il’s Paolo Rossetti.

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