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Italian Defense Minister Calls Berlin Summit a Mistake

March 16, 2024 (EIRNS)—Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto reacted to the March 15 Berlin meeting between France, Germany and Poland, in an interview with La Repubblica, in which he said that the meeting was “an error of method” and sent “the wrong signal.”

Although in favor of sending as many weapons as possible to Kiev in order to prevent a Russian occupation “of the whole country,” Crosetto said NATO members should stop calling for sending troops to Ukraine.

“In the meantime, it should avoid grand statements—such as sending NATO into Ukraine—trying to make itself look better. Or avoid splitting up into meetings of two or three, when there are 27 of us in Europe. It should avoid statements like the one made by Macron two days ago or the one made by the Polish Foreign Minister [Sikorski on March 10 had said that NATO militaries are already present in Ukraine]. I think the opposition, with a monolith like Russia, where there is only one man in charge, would presuppose on this side a clear strategy, not contradictory, and maybe built altogether as a coalition.”