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March 21, 2024 (EIRNS)—Nazar Smyk identifies himself as a procurer of military equipment in London for the Ukrainian military. Some of his shipments have been delayed at the Poland-Ukraine border recently, causing him to launch into social media diatribes against Polish farmers—both obscene and threatening. For example, he posted that his military trucks “in particular for the 12th Special Purpose Brigade ‘Azov’ of the National Guard of Ukraine…. F—king farmers are again not allowing trucks for our military.”

This week, he successfully targeted a Russian citizen, Yulia Vorobyova, who made the mistake of voting in the recent election, by going to the Russian embassy in London, and being proud that she had voted for Vladimir Putin. He then organized for her to be fired from her employment.

He began, as reported by RT, on March 17, posting “There are also c—nts such as Yulia Vorobyova. She openly votes for Putin while living in London. Do you know what happens to supporters of war?” He followed by posting the address of her employer, calling for followers to “show Yulia what she needs to be responsible for.” At that point Vorobyova made her Instagram account private. Smyk declared that she did so too late. He called her a “dumb c—t,” and declared: “We will f—k you and the company you work for.”

Early on March 19, he posted his victory: A letter from Egre Ltd of London stating that “one of our consultant agents, Yulia, has posted a pro-war message…. Yulia is no longer associated with our company.” Smyk says that Egre Ltd’s owner promised him that “the company, in order to show its pro-European position … will donate funds … through the British-Ukrainian fund” and that they will screen prospective employees more carefully.

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