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NATO Chief Demands More Military Support for Ukraine

March 15, 2024 (EIRNS)—NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg released NATO’s annual report for 2023. “This report sums up our main achievements over the last year—and there have been many,” he said. These include: “Further strengthened our defenses. Robust new military plans. More forces at higher readiness. And major increases in defense investment.” He also highlighted NATO’s support to Ukraine “But Ukraine needs even more support, and they need it now,” he said. “The Ukrainians are not running out of courage. They are running out of ammunition.”

NATO members need “to show the political will” to continue to provide that support, Stoltenberg droned on. “All Allies need to dig deep and deliver quickly. Every day of delay has real consequences on the battlefield in Ukraine. So this is a critical moment. It would be a great historic mistake to allow Putin to prevail,” he warned. In its coverage of Stoltenberg’s speech, Euronews reported that the Institute for the Study of War had warned that delays in Western security aid to Ukraine are “likely helping” Russia’s offensive. If Kiev simply attempts to defend itself, it will suffer “operational disadvantages,” it argued.

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