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Pope Francis Advises Ukraine To Have the Courage To Negotiate

March 10, 2024 (EIRNS)—Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) on March 9 published parts of an interview with Pope Francis, which will be fully aired on March 20 in the cultural program “Cliché,” reported Vatican News that same day.

The interviewer asked: “In Ukraine, some call for the courage of surrender, of the white flag. But others say that this would legitimize the stronger party. What do you think?”

Pope Francis replied: “That is one interpretation. But I believe that the stronger one is the one who sees the situation, who thinks of the people, who has the courage of the white flag, to negotiate. And today, negotiations are possible with the help of international powers. The word ‘negotiate’ is a courageous word. When you see that you are defeated, that things are not going well, it is necessary to have the courage to negotiate. You may feel ashamed, but with how many deaths will it end? Negotiate in time; look for some country that can mediate. Today, for example in the war in Ukraine, there are many who want to mediate. Türkiye has offered itself for this. And others. Do not be ashamed to negotiate before things get worse.”

This is the first time, according to the German version of Vatican News, that the Pope has directly spoken of Ukraine’s defeat.

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