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Putin Again Raises Likely Role of Kiev in the Crocus City Hall Terror Attack

Commemoration of the dead near the memorial to Soviet solders in the center of Volgorad. CC/

March 25, 2024 (EIRNS)—Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking with law enforcement and regional officials on Monday evening, March 25, again raised the issue of Kiev’s role in the March 22 terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall that left 137 people dead. Putin described the seven charged perpetrators as “radical Islamists,” but insisted that the question remains why they fled in the direction of Ukraine. “Who was waiting for them there?” Putin asked. “It is clear that those who support the Kiev regime do not want to be accomplices and sponsors of terrorism. But a lot of questions remain,” he added.

In its coverage, RT noted: “While Russia knows who pulled the trigger, the President said, Moscow still needs to find who gave the order. He made it clear that Kiev is his primary suspect, however.”

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