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Putin Claims Kiev’s Criminal Attacks Aimed at Disrupting Our Election

March 15, 2024 (EIRNS)—As Russia opens the polls today for a three-day presidential election over March 15-17, President Vladimir Putin told a meeting of the Russian Security Council that Ukraine’s continuous and indiscriminate drone and artillery strikes this week, along with the attempts to breach Russia’s border, have no military justification, but rather are aimed at disrupting Russia’s election. Kiev’s actions, he explained, are “these militarily senseless and humanitarianly criminal actions … aimed at disrupting the elections for the President of Russia.”

Putin specified, “The enemy used the following forces and equipment: over 2,500 personnel, 35 tanks, and about 40 combat vehicles. It did not achieve success in a single direction. It was rebuffed and forced to retreat, or flee, to be more precise, with heavy losses. The adversary lost about 60% of its personnel and over 50% of its armored vehicles.”

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