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March 31, 2024 (EIRNS)—So warns Haaretz, one of Israel’s major newspapers, in its lead editorial today, in defiance of the policy of the Israeli government, and most of the nation’s media and politicians, to brazenly deny even that food and water are unattainable and famine is spreading across the Gaza Strip, never mind that Israeli actions are the cause.

“The Israeli government, from its head to its most junior member, refuses to admit that many of those who live in Gaza are civilian noncombatants and that about half of the Strip’s inhabitants are children. The public media debate in Israel also ignores this element of the situation in Gaza,” the editors write. Indifference reigns.

“The amount of food that is currently entering Gaza is insufficient for human survival…. According to the United Nations, the entire population of the Gaza Strip, some 2.3 million people, is suffering from high levels of acute food insecurity, and about one in four is on the brink of famine…. The emerging data and the images that are beamed to the entire world of starving Gazan children, some of them massing at community kitchens for some hot soup for their family, are driving massive criticism of Israel from the international community.”

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