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March 25, 2024 (EIRNS)—Two weeks ago, French President Emmanuel Macron proposed that NATO countries, such as France, should ready themselves to send troops into Ukraine. An outcry arose, but the idea is proceeding. Last week, NATO and U.S. officials then escalated. Ignoring still-existing opposing viewpoints in various NATO countries, top officials assured participants in the two-day Kyiv Security Forum (KSF) that Ukraine will become a member of NATO; that a “bridge” or pathway to that goal has been worked out; and that details will be forthcoming.

NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg kicked the campaign off March 21 in his address by video hookup to the opening session of the KSF. “We are helping you make your armed forces more promptly compatible with allies, in preparation for Ukraine’s accession to NATO. It’s not a question of whether it will enter, but a question of when,” he told the forum.

NATO Military Committee Chair Adm.Rob Bauer immediately followed, speaking in person. He stated from the outset of his speech, as EIR has reported: “My visit—the first NATO military delegation to visit Ukraine since the large-scale invasion—is testament to the fact that NATO and Ukraine are closer than they have ever been. With every day that passes, we become closer. More interoperable. More intertwined. Together, we are putting everything into place to make Ukraine a member of our Alliance. The Swedish flag will not be the only blue and yellow flag at the NATO headquarters.”

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