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Scant Media Coverage of Drone Attacks Against Russia’s Early Warning Radars

Coverage is slowly growing in the Western media of the Ukrainian drone attacks on Russia’s over-the-horizon radars, but much of it maintains the line that Ukraine did it probably on its own. For example, Newsweek has a May 28 article by its Diplomatic Correspondent David Brennan with the headline “Map Shows Ukraine’s Record-Breaking Hits on Russian Nuclear Warning Sites.”

It states that “Russia’s nuclear ballistic missile early warning radar network has emerged as a key target of long-range Ukrainian strikes, with three facilities having now been attacked by Kyiv’s drones in the past two months.” (The article was written before the fourth attack occurred on May 29.) The posting of the article on the Newsweek site is punctuated by a one-minute video, complete with dramatic, high-tension music, headlined: “Ukraine May Have Just Crossed Putin’s Nuclear Red Line.”

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