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The Chairwoman of the Bundestag defense policy committee Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP), a notorious warmonger, is demanding a broad activation of reservists in Germany alleging a threat from Russia, reported Der Spiegel today. “Putin is preparing his people for war and positioning them against the West. We must therefore become capable of defending ourselves as quickly as possible,” she told the Funke Media Group. “Russia only produces weapons. School textbooks are being printed that portray Germany as an aggressor. Primary schoolchildren are being trained with weapons. All of this is frightening,” said Strack-Zimmermann.

She insisted that “the approximately 900,000 reservists we have in Germany to be activated.” These would first have to be registered, however, as decades ago the Bundeswehr had ceased registering troops who had retired from active duty. “If we could recruit just half of them as reservists with their relevant expertise, that would be an incredible asset,” she said.