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Ukraine utilized an ATACMS missile to attack Russia. Credit: U.S. Army

Numerous press agencies reported on the Ukrainian military attack on Russia’s Crimea, which used U.S.-supplied ATACMS long-range missiles in targeting Sevastopol civilians around noon (GMT+3) on June 23. According to the Russian Ministry of Health, 124 people were injured, including 27 children; 3 people were killed, 2 of them children.

The attack used five ATACMS missiles armed with cluster bombs. Russian air defense took out four of the missiles. The fifth warhead was detonated in the air over Sevastopol, causing numerous casualties.

Sputnik reported, “Flight missions for ATACMS missiles are programmed by American specialists based on U.S. satellite reconnaissance, making Washington primarily responsible for the deliberate missile strike on Sevastopol’s civilians, the Russian Ministry of Defense (MOD) stated.

“Therefore, the responsibility for the deliberate missile strike on Sevastopol’s civilians lies primarily with Washington, which supplied this weapon to Ukraine, as well as the Kiev regime, from whose territory the strike was launched,” the Defense Ministry stated. “Such actions will not remain unanswered,” the MOD concluded in its Telegram.

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