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NATO Summit Plots Coup Against the United States, Too

by Dennis Small (EIRNS) — Jul. 11, 2024

The July 9-11 NATO summit in Washington, D.C. concluded today, flooring the gas pedal on an all-out confrontation with nuclear powers Russia and China, crossing multiple red lines all at once. During the summit, the Biden administration announced that:

• they are going to start stationing long-range nuclear and other missiles (including hypersonic missiles, that the U.S. doesn’t even have yet) in Germany, within easy striking-distance of Moscow;

• nuclear-capable F-16 fighter jets will be arriving in Ukraine any day now, and will go into service “during the summer”; and

• Ukraine is on an “irreversible path” to join NATO.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov responded straightforwardly to the prospect of long-range nuclear missiles in Germany: “We will determine a military response to this new threat.”

Furthermore, the final Declaration of the summit asserted that “the all-domain threat Russia poses to NATO will persist into the long-term"; that China “has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war against Ukraine"; and that the NATO sphere of action was being extended to the Indo-Pacific.

The justification provided for NATO’s heightened war-footing, and the long-term structural changes it is already implementing, is the ongoing war in Ukraine. But that is a lie.

The Anglo-American oligarchs running NATO are trying to lock in place long-term plans and structures that are outside the control of any sovereign government, including that of the U.S. It is true that they want to “Trump-proof” their policies—meaning, make it impossible for Donald Trump, or any other candidate who might respond to the restive American people, to reverse those policies. But what’s involved goes way beyond that immediate concern: They are trying to impose their “rules-based order” everywhere, under conditions of a systemic breakdown of the entire trans-Atlantic financial empire. That requires wars and coups against any nations—including the United States—that try to assert their sovereignty and ensure their development.

In fact, at the exact same time that NATO was conspiring in Washington for war, an opposite policy discussion among major powers was underway. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin held two days of discussion in Moscow, as RT put it, to “expedite projects that could reshape the Eurasian political landscape,” including “building a new architecture of stable and efficient transport corridors, and pay close attention to the development of promising production and marketing chains in Eurasia.” Putin even proposed to accelerate nuclear energy development, which could “replace the oil produced around the world.”

Helga Zepp-LaRouche explained during her July 10 weekly Dialogue webcast:

“What you will see coming out of the NATO summit, all the signs are speaking in this direction, is an effort to make NATO a global system…. I think that the situation is incredibly dangerous, and if you analyze the different positions, you come to the conclusion, if you look at it from the side of NATO, there is no option of diplomatic solution, of going back to any kind of negotiations, there is only the policy of defeating Russia. Now, I think that’s completely impossible, because you cannot defeat the strongest nuclear power on Earth, especially when they have a nuclear doctrine which says that if their existence as a state is threatened, they will use nuclear weapons. Now, that means World War III, and indeed we are very close to that. And it’s very clear, red lines have been crossed.”

Zepp-LaRouche turned to the solution to these dangers:

“I think it poses a much more fundamental question that, obviously, these institutions of Wall Street, of the military, Silicon Valley, they have taken on a life of their own, and what that does to the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution, well, that is the big question which can only be resolved by the American people, themselves. And fortunately, we do have two absolutely important flagship campaigns, that of Diane Sare for U.S. Senate in New York, and of Jose Vega for Congress in the Bronx (CD15), and I can only tell people to orient towards these campaigns, because they address the issues every American should be concerned with.”


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