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China and Russia Not Badly Impacted by Cyber Crash, Due to Sovereign Systems

Global Times explained yesterday that “Although Microsoft Windows’ ‘blue screen of death’ hit millions of users worldwide … China was largely unaffected as the country’s technology independence and self-sufficiency efforts have provided a protective shield.” Its self-sufficiency was in part due to the insane Western policies of boycotting and isolating Chinese IT and security companies, ostensibly for “national security” reasons. “China has stepped up tech independence efforts against the backdrop of the U.S. tech war against China, which obstructs the entry of foreign equipment and software to the Chinese market. Instead, the U.S. push has contributed to China’s rapid technological development.”

They point out that “given a mistake by one company can paralyze half the planet, countries cannot count on others for their national and economic security. They urged other countries to do their own research and development or diversify their suppliers to reduce dependence on U.S. tech firms.”

They add that “Notably, Russia’s Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media said on Friday [July 20] that airlines and banks in the country had shown no signs of being impacted by the outage.... The situation with Microsoft once again shows the importance of import substitution of foreign software, primarily at critical information infrastructure facilities, the Russian Ministry said.”