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China Responds to China-Bashing at Aspen Security Forum

Global Times of China reported today, “America’s national security community made its annual pilgrimage to the mountains of Aspen in Colorado from July 16 to 19 for a gathering notable for a looming feeling of anxiety, the BBC reported, citing the Ukraine crisis, Middle East war, tensions in Asia and its own presidential election.” But the article focuses on the China-bashing at the event, noting that Secretary of State Tony Blinken announced his intention of meeting with Wang Yi next week when the two attend the ASEAN meeting in Laos. Despite Blinken saying he meets regularly with Wang to ease tensions and manage relations, they add that “those incumbent officials’ hawkish remarks at the Aspen security forum suggest Washington’s ‘management’ is lip deep [lip service].... Blinken also continued the U.S.’ tactic of blaming China for the prolonged Ukraine crisis, as he claimed that China, although not directly giving weapons, is providing inputs for Russia’s defense industrial base.” They add that National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan was also at the forum, where he said that the U.S. is “preparing new sanctions on Chinese entities that the U.S. believes are supporting Russia in the conflict, and hinted that banks may be targeted.”

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