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Colonel Macgregor Issues Call for American Citizens To Prevent Netanyahu's War on Iran

Within a few hours of Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s lying, hate-filled diatribe before a fawning U.S. Congress, Col. Douglas Macgregor (ret.) released a video, warning that the American people must mobilize to stop U.S. participation in the war against Iran that Netanyahu is organizing in his private talks in the U.S. You must call your Congressman, organize in your communities to stop any such war, he declared with authority, as it could lead to a global conflict which could threaten the United States’ survival as a state.

Macgregor laid out the strategic danger calmly, but starkly. His message was also a moral one. “Our strength lies not in our ability to wage war, but in our capacity to build peace. A peace that benefits our country, and the world,” he declared.

Have we not seen enough bloodshed and destruction in the war in Gaza? he asked. “Precise numbers are hard to confirm, but hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis have been internally displaced, wounded or killed. These aren’t just numbers; they are shattered families and ruined lives.”

Macgregor recalled the disasters resulting from U.S. meddling in other countries in recent decades, citing Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, and others. “And yet, there are policymakers in Washington contemplating war with Iran. I ask you: If the human cost of the war in Gaza, a localized conflict, is this high, how much higher will the cost of a war with Iran be?”

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