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Statement by Jacques Cheminade, President of Solidarité & Progrès, following the first round of legislative elections

“The first round of the French legislative elections was a groundswell of opposition against the old regime’s policy of subservience to financial globalism. However, the political forces claiming to represent this popular will to break with the past are themselves trapped in the straitjacket that has been imposed on us since 1946.

“They all pretend that the risk of war does not exist. None of them is fighting head-on the financial oligarchy of the City, Wall Street, BlackRock and all the propagators of criminal social austerity. None of them challenges the policy of Western rearmament pursued by this oligarchy. Not one of them really questions the subordination of European states in the fields of military weapons, energy and data. Not one of them has made public the forthcoming recommendation arising from Article 126 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in the context of the excessive deficit procedure, which condemns our leaders to enslave their own people.

“The candidates of ‘Ensemble’ were submissive in advance, those of the Rassemblement National sold a national illusion without any real means to carry it out, and those of the Nouveau Front Populaire, a social illusion. In these conditions, faced with the immediate threat of war and financial crash, they all made promises while their hands were tied, preventing them from keeping their promises.

“Due to a lack of financial resources, Solidarité & Progrès and I were reduced to the status of whistleblowers. We are proud to have done so. What’s more, this new international architecture of mutual security and development that we are proposing is the key to freeing ourselves, along with the states of the Global South whose demand for sovereignty meets our own.

“Today, in the midst of the chaos towards which we are heading, I am convinced that the worst can happen, as well as the best. France is not alone. A global coalition for peace is rising up among peoples.

“It’s up to us to evoke in our minds the patriots and citizens of the world who took up the challenge in June 1940, and to continue the fight for national liberation against the financial feudalists and their collaborators, whether they be unconscious or blind.”

Results for Solidarité & Progrès candidates

Three candidates in mainland France

Benoit Odille 380 votes (0.75%)

Gerard Julien: 213 votes (0.3%)

Jean François Grilhaut de Fontaines 769 votes (1.22%)

Three candidates in districts of the French abroad

Jacques Cheminade: 224 votes (0.53%)

Odile Mojon-Cheminade: 450 votes (1.26%)

Sébastien Périmony: 172 votes (0.48%)