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Hysterical European Parliament Resolution Pledges Full Support for Ukraine

Photo by Lukas S / Unsplash

In a vote today of 495-137, with 47 abstentions, the newly-elected European Parliament (EP) today passed a quite hysterical resolution pledging continued support for Ukraine—political, financial, military, diplomatic and humanitarian—"for as long as it takes to secure Ukraine’s victory.” MEP Michael von der Schulenburg, from the Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), brought the resolution to the attention of the Schiller Institute this afternoon, reporting that he and other BSW members weren’t allowed to speak during the debate on the resolution.

The resolution condemns Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s July 5 visit to Russia, claiming that he did not represent the EU and, in fact, violated its “Treaties and common foreign policy.” The resolution further lies that Orbán’s “peace mission” was in any case “irrelevant,” alleging that right after his visit to Moscow, Russia attacked the Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv. Hungary should face repercussions for these actions, the resolution demands.

While rejecting Orbán’s peace proposals, the MEPs reiterate their support for Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s fraudulent “peace formula.” They also proclaim that Russia’s “war of aggression” against Ukraine is part of a “broader set of objectives against the West, against our democracy and our values,” and welcome the outcome of the July 9-11 NATO summit in Washington, reiterating their belief that “Ukraine is on an irreversible path to NATO membership.” It is incumbent on all EU member states to increase their military support for Ukraine, it states.

In addition, the resolution demands that the sanctions policy against Russia and Belarus be maintained and extended “while monitoring, reviewing and enhancing its effectiveness and impact.”

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