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Kujat: West Should Finally Accept Latest Putin Proposal on Ukraine

In an interview with Swiss journal Zeitgeschehen (Current Events), Gen. Harald Kujat (ret.) assesses that Ukraine will not be able to change the military balance on the battlefield, therefore he sees “basically three possibilities: The first is that the war drags on until the West is no longer able to deliver anything. If Ukraine loses even more troops, a situation of complete exhaustion will arise. The question then arises as to whether the West is prepared to send not only weapons but also combat troops to avert a catastrophic military defeat for Ukraine. If the Western states are not prepared to take this major escalation step, Zelenskyy would have to give up his refusal to negotiate. If the next American president is Trump, as currently looks likely, there would be a fourth option. After all, Trump has repeatedly stated that he will end the war within 24 hours.”

On the recent Ukrainian attacks on Russian early warning stations, which are important in the context of strategic aspects of US-Russian relations, he said they have nothing to do with Ukraine. Kujat adds that they certainly had western backing, warning those who are backing that, that they should be aware that this kind of escalation would make them a target of Russian counterattack and lead to World War III.

Instead of exclusively focussing on weapons deliveries to Ukraine, the West should finally accept the latest offer by Putin, Kujat insists:

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