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Coverage of an Orvieto, Italy conference was provided by Agenparl, the press agency that provides daily news from the Italian Parliament. Under the headline “Orvieto, Alemanno: Peace Is the Common Aim of All European Sovereignists,” it ran the following article, which somewhat simplifies what the speakers said:

“What emerges as the common and unifying motif of all European sovereignty is the desire to rebuild peace on our continent. This belies the monstrous narrative being made of this emerging political phenomenon. While Ursula von der Leyen and all the zealots in her majority, along with European conservatives, are siding with NATO to carry on the war in Ukraine by all means, European sovereignists and Donald Trump himself are distinguished by a willingness to end this slaughter. This should give all common-sense political observers pause for thought.” said Gianni Alemanno, national secretary of the Independence Movement.

“We live in a dangerous moment of crisis because we are constantly confronted with the crossroads of war or peace. We propose ourselves as the Party of Peace and we want to dialogue with all parties around the world that have our positions and pull Europe out of this crisis,” said German MP Matthias Moosdorf, (Alternative für Deutschland).

“Participation in this important event gives me hope, the great traditions of the European continent, particularly in Italy, must be defended with policies to protect our countries from foreign powers. We need to create a new system that can enable us to be independent in order to build peace in Europe,” said Helga Zepp-LaRouche, chairwoman of the Schiller Institute Internationale [sic].

“We are living through a very complicated historical hairpin turn, there is a realization that the wall-to-wall with Russia is absolutely detrimental. We hope that soon politics will return to take over from the financial, economic and military powers that today effectively nullify the prospect of peace,” thus said Francesco Toscano, President of Democrazia Sovrana Popolare.

“I am glad to have participated in this event. I think this kind of dialogue is the real way to get the European Union back on the authentic Christian path and to overcome all the wars we are experiencing,” said Derszi Ákos, Hungarian Christian Democracy Movement, an ally of Orbán’s Fidesz party.

Rai News, of Italy’s state television, ran the following coverage of the first day, focused on the Russian ambassador:

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