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NATO Advances ‘Industrial Capacity Expansion’ To Realize Schachtian War Economy

The July 9-11 NATO Summit in Washington, D.C. released the “NATO Industrial Capacity Expansion Pledge,” which features measures to integrate all the separate military and armament production facilities of the different NATO member countries into a single coordinated activity.

It would be a large goose-step toward a Schachtian war build-up by the Western nations, which would be carried out as NATO plans to transform to a supranational independent global institution for permanent war against Russia, China and the Global South, and to enforce fascist economic policy.

The NATO Industrial Capacity Expansion Pledge, contends, “We will leverage the Alliance’s role as convenor, standard setter, requirements setter and aggregator, and delivery enabler to expand defense industrial capacity.”

NATO hopes to achieve that, framed in the following idea: “We pledge to:

Strengthen defense industry across the Alliance: Foster an innovative, competitive, and sustainable defense industry, where reciprocal cooperation and openness are the norm. Strengthened defense industry across Europe and North America and enhanced defense industrial cooperation among Allies, remains essential for delivering the required capabilities. Continue to reduce and eliminate, as appropriate, obstacles to defense trade and investment among Allies. Provide a clear demand signal to industry through firm orders and contracts, increasing multiyear buys and sharing appropriate information on our key requirements. The well-established NATO defense planning process is the sole vehicle for agreeing, defining and apportioning NATO’s capability needs. We will seek to address restrictions to financing of defense industrial investments…..”

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