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New U.S. National Defense Report Wants To Massively Expand Military Complex

According to a new report issued yesterday by a Congressionally chartered commission, the U.S. military is incapable of defending the United States and its allies against the twin threats of Russia and China. Therefore, massive boosts in force structure backed by equally massive expansion of the military industrial complex, all paid for by huge growth in the defense budget, must be implemented. In other words, more of the same of what U.S. defense policy has already been: more old wine in new, bigger bottles. The U.S. Congress established the “Commission on the National Defense Strategy” in 2022 in order to review that year’s National Defense Strategy.

The Commission comprises individuals with deep ties to the different elements of the MICIMATT—the military, industrial, Congressional, intelligence, media, academia, think tank complex. The commission is chaired by former Rep. Jane Harman, who chaired the House Intelligence Committee, and then led the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C., until 2021. Her co-chair, Eric Edelman, is a neo-conservative who served as a senior policy advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney during the G.W. Bush Administration and also served in various positions in the Defense and State Departments. Among the other members of the commission is retired Army Gen. Jack Keane, another neocon, with a long association with the American Enterprise Institute.

“The United States faces the most challenging global environment with the most severe ramifications since the end of the Cold War. The trends are getting worse, not better,” the report claims, according to a summary

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