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The Russian Foreign Ministry announced yesterday, on the occasion of Russia’s assumption of the UN Security Council presidency for July, that they have planned three “central events.” Two are “open ministerial-level debates” hosted by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, one on “multilateral cooperation for a more just, democratic and sustainable world order” (July 16) and another “on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue” (July 17). Then, scheduled on July 19, a debate will be held “on UN cooperation with the [Collective Security Treaty Organization] CSTO, the CIS [Commonwealth of Independent States] and the [Shanghai Cooperation Organization] SCO.”

Besides the previously scheduled meetings coming due in July—on Haiti, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, and elsewhere—Russia has on the agenda “discussions on implementing UN Security Council Resolution 2720 on the humanitarian mechanism for the Gaza Strip to be attended by the UN Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza Sigrid Kaag.”

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