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The Biden watch continues, as various pundits, prognosticators and media ignore the fact that the man struggling to complete a sentence has his hand on the nuclear button. Rather, most commentary is about making book on what scenario might function to defeat former President Trump four months from now.

NBC cited their sources yesterday, saying that only Jill Biden’s opinion can influence Joe Biden’s decision on ending his campaign. NBC cited five people familiar with the matter as saying that Joe and Jill Biden would join their children and grandchildren today at Camp David, and that there is “an understanding among top Democrats that Biden should be given space to determine next steps” and that “only the President, in consultation with his family, can decide whether to move forward or to end his campaign early.”

One source told the outlet that only two people have a genuine say on the matter—the President and his wife. “Anyone who doesn’t understand how deeply personal and familial this decision will be, isn’t knowledgeable about the situation,” the source added. The view was echoed by another NBC source, saying: “The only person who has ultimate influence with him is the First Lady. If she decides there should be a change of course, there will be a change of course.”

CNN reports that the Biden family today gave him “unequivocal support” to run. The New York Times reports that the Biden family felt he could convince the country that he could serve the country effectively, with Hunter Biden being one of the most vocal. Unfortunately, this runs in the face of today’s CBS/YouGov poll, showing that now 72% of Americans do not believe that Biden is fit to serve as President.

The Times reports that the family questioned those who prepared Biden for the debate, blaming them for giving him too much detail. CNN reports that one Democratic donor, Florida attorney John Morgan, posted today on X: “Biden has for too long been fooled by the value of Anita Dunn and her husband. They need to go... TODAY.” Dunn’s husband, Bob Bauer, is Biden’s personal attorney.

In a separate report, the New York Times cites “sources familiar with the efforts” claiming that big contributors are looking to replace Biden, including doing so against Biden’s will. The sources say that the contributors were discussing with political advisers whether “arcane rules” might be invoked to force Biden off the ballot.