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The Spiritual Difference Between Principles, and Everything Else

Leonardo da Vinci The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne, 1510

In a conference presentation in Italy on July 27, Helga Zepp-LaRouche gave a presentation which demonstrated how to think about the conflict between the Trans-Atlantic Roman-modeled “democratic dictatorship” called NATO, and the true interests of the people and nations of the world. Starting with the concrete case of Germany, the most important economy in Europe and the second largest military/financial contributor to NATO’s war against Russia, she said:

“Well, I think we have a big crisis in Germany right now, because when the NATO summit took place, Scholz—the Chancellor—afterwards declared that the United States had decided to install long-range missiles in Germany. Now, that was not discussed in the German Parliament, there was no referendum among the German citizens, and these long-range missiles represent a clear escalation towards nuclear war. The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov already answered by saying that Russia will counter that with similar measures, possibly including nuclear-armed missiles. So, the question is, how is it that the United States can make a decision which puts into jeopardy the very existence of Germany? When Scholz says, it was the United States who decided, who in the United States? We just experienced that there was an assassination attempt on Trump, where the cui bono is still a very open question. Then shortly afterwards, President Biden resigned [from running for reelection], because he clearly was not fit for the office anymore, and there was a big discussion that this was not new, but that he had not been fit for quite some time. So, Biden obviously did not make the decision to put these long-range missiles into Germany.

“So, this is a big problem. If you think that some unknown entity is making a decision over the very existence of Germany, that just brings on the table, very clearly, the question that Germany at this point has zero sovereignty. This is, however, clear to a small, but significant portion of the German people, who, basically I would say, join most of what has been said here yesterday and today, meaning that they do not regard Russia as a mortal enemy, which the NATO summit just had declared. The NATO summit declared Russia to be a direct threat, the axis of Ukraine to NATO is irreversible, China to be a challenge for the Euro-Atlantic security order, all of which are assumptions which are not shared by the average people, because they have not been consulted, and the mass media is just trying to get people convinced to believe the narrative of NATO.

“So, in reality, the present situation is one where NATO is trying to impose its global dictatorship, which would mean, decouple from Russia, from China, and with that, from the Global Majority. Because in a complete blowback to the policies coming from NATO for some time, there is now a new system emerging in the form of the BRICS, the SCO, and other organizations of the Global South, who are trying to create a new economic system, including a new currency, a new development bank. And Europe is very much in a position where we have to decide, do we want to be the vassals of NATO going into a Third World War with the majority of the world—the Global Majority? Or, do we want to line up with the economic bloc, which clearly is on the rise, to create a new system?

“So, I think that we are right now in Germany in a very existential decision-making process, where I think we have to ally forces, and that’s why I’m very happy to be here, and I want to thank you for the invitation, because I think the Italians, the Germans, the French, and other people of Europe have to unite at this point to fight this existential danger.”

There was more than applause at the conclusion of her remarks. There was a deeper understanding of the crisis actually confronting Western Civilization itself—not merely the geopolitical construct called “the West.” Those viewing the Olympics’ “Last Supper” blasphemy, with the near-naked “god” Dionysius, the “Anti-Christ” as the “sacrifice served as a meal,” were seeing the spiritual foundations espoused by the “new NATO” alliance, an Allgemeine SS with pagan diversity at the core of its “spiritual center.”

There is a reason that many trans-Atlantic pundits, bloggers, commentators and academics are baffled by Russia’s insistence on “de-Nazification” in Ukraine, and, therefore, about Russia’s fierce commitment to fighting NATO’s “Allgemeine SS” military deployment there. They refuse to understand that the true roots of the fascism of 1920s Italy, and 1930s France, Germany, Spain, and Central and Eastern Europe, lay in the attempted revival, largely fueled by British imperial studies of “the secret of Roman rule,” such as Gibbon’s The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, of the anti-Christian, Roman imperial tradition of Tiberius, and its pagan expressions, for example in the military Cult of Mithra, or the baby-sacrificing cult of Moloch. Think, in this context, about the “green” movement’s peculiar and comparatively recent, if not sudden, political sex-change, from once being the erstwhile leaders in the “peace movement” to stop nuclear weapons from being placed in Germany, to now being all-out advocates for ultimate military confrontation with Russia, including the deployment of long-range missiles and even thermonuclear weapons.

Why did the “Greens” do this? Because it is the military, financial and political policy of NATO that “climate change” will be used as the pretext for a global military “Allgemeine SS,” and a universal Gestapo, to “save the planet” by reducing the human population to less than 1 billion. This Malthusian mission requires a spiritual visualization; we just saw one expression of that at the Olympics. What should humanity be for? We request that all should read, and re-read, Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s “Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture” with new eyes. They outline the difference between a principle and a “policy,” “platform,” or “party plank.” There is a difference between “principles” and “issues.” That difference is also amply demonstrated in the interview that appears below which was given by New York United States Senate candidate Diane Sare to “Great Game International.”