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Zelenskyy MP Charges ‘General’s Mafia’ Preparing the Capitulation of Ukraine

One of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s MPs, Mariana Bezuglaya, deputy chair of the National Security, Defense and Intelligence Committee, claims that a top-level “general’s mafia,” led by the Gen. Valerii Zaluzhnyi and Gen. Oleksandr Syrskyiii, are secretly colluding to prevent a Ukrainian victory, and are looking to capitulate to Russia.

Bezuglaya posted on Facebook on July 13: “Every further day that Syrskyii remains in his position reduces our fighting capability and kills people.” She cited sources who had told her that Syrskyii and his inner circle favor a ceasefire with Russia and an eventual capitulation. “He doesn’t believe in victory and earnestly thinks that we cannot get an edge over the Russians on our own land.” Further, to take the cake, she accused Syrskyii of exposing Ukrainian troops to Russian attacks, supposedly to eliminate “witnesses” of his wrongdoings. She called upon Zelenskyy to fire Syrskyii.

Bezuglaya was trained as a medic and also graduated from some U.S. State Department leadership program. RT reports that she has a history of making hardline statements to prepare public opinion for future Zelenskyy moves. Whatever else is afoot, these latest allegations suggest all is not stable in Kyiv.

On that note, a new development is that Bezuglaya has now been blacklisted by Myrotvorets for “interference with the lawful activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine … discreditation and demoralization” of the army, leaking state secrets that Russian propaganda can exploit, and working to cause a “split” in Ukrainian society. They added that she had deliberately projected an image of an “irredeemably stupid fucking fool” as part of her subversive ploy.

In another indication of matters unravelling, Ukraine’s Azov Brigade posted on its Telegram channel yesterday a video of what was, purportedly, the execution of an unarmed captive Russian soldier. The soldier asks not to be shot, and then he is shot in the face at point-blank range. Azov called it the “clearing of Russian positions and the destruction of enemy infantry” in an undisclosed location. The footage showed an Azov fighter encountering a seated Russian soldier in the corner of a trench. The Russian soldier, who appears to be unarmed, shouts “friendly” without making any attempt to engage. The Ukrainian service member, however, does not hesitate to shoot the Russian several times at point-blank range. The Kremlin did not fail to take note.