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EIR Daily News • Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Lead

On the Eve of World War, Speak Out! NATO’S International Assassins Must Not Stop the Drive for Sanity

by Jason Ross (EIRNS) — Aug. 14, 2024

“As humanity has been put on the brink of a civilization-ending nuclear war, largely through the machinations of the British and their fellow travelers in the U.S.A., any sensible person would be asking the question: How did we get here, and how do we turn instead toward durable survival?”

These words opened the February 2023 second printing of The LaRouche Organization’s report “Stop NATO’s World War: Dismantle the International Assassination Bureau”.

Those questions must be answered, but we must also pose another. How is the collective insanity of the “Western” elites and media maintained? What are the tools of the trade for preventing anyone from speaking out against the terror of nuclear war—which could break out in the NATO-Russia conflict playing out in what had been Ukrainian territory, or in the form of an Israel-Iran conflict? In a world where lunatics are at the helm, what force is hindering meaningful discussion.

The cited report addresses the means of control. And the ongoing meetings of the International Peace Coalition point the way forward: toward a new security and development architecture, achieved through the courage of individuals who elect to take responsibility.

Consider the extremely active former weapons inspector Scott Ritter. After being denied access to international travel in June, on Aug. 7, Ritter was subjected to a multi-hour raid of his home by the FBI, and an attempted SWATing that could have resulted in the kind of adrenaline-fueled shooting fostered by the militarization of police.

Despite this transparent effort to silence his voice, the uncowed Ritter has been even more active, and he will be participating in this week’s Aug. 16 meeting of the International Peace Coalition, following up on the discussion last week among the hundreds of people convened through this process catalyzed by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche.

The essentially discredited “fact-checkers” and “disinformation experts” must not be allowed to prevent the kind of open and frank discussion necessary for pursuing the truth.

If you not only believe in freedom of thought, but also in preserving and defending it, you must join this meeting this Friday and urge others to attend. Last week the International Peace Coalition brought together 550 individuals from 50 nations, and widely divergent political affiliations, as we must. There is a higher principle that must unite us. As Zepp-LaRouche states in her Ten Principles: “A new world economic order is emerging, involving the vast majority of the countries of the Global South. The European nations and the U.S. must not fight this effort, but by joining hands with the developing countries, cooperate to shape the next epoch of the development of the human species to become a renaissance of the highest and most noble expressions of creativity!”

Join the International Peace Coalition this Friday at 11 a.m. EDT. Participants include Scott Ritter; Executive Director of Friends of Sabeel of North America Jonathan Kuttab; co-founder of Nonviolence International and Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, and others.


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