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EIR Daily News • Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Lead

Is Global War Their Goal?

by Jason Ross (EIRNS) — Aug. 07, 2024

“What are they thinking?” the world asks, respecting the actions of Israel and Anglo-American NATO. “Are they trying to cause World War III?”

Don’t assume that the answer is no! Fanatics cannot be counted upon to be reasonable.

Consider the “unwavering commitment” of the U.S. to Israel. President Joe Biden, in his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “reaffirmed the United States’ ironclad commitment to Israel’s security against all threats from Iran and its proxies.”

A day earlier, Secretary of “Defense” Lloyd Austin said “We certainly will help defend Israel,” in a broader war. “You saw us do that April. You can expect to see us do that again,” he said, referring to U.S. assistance in countering Iran’s response to Israel’s bombing an Iranian diplomatic facility in Damascus, the capital of Syria.

Now in Tehran, the capital of Iran, Israel has killed again, targeting the Hamas chief negotiator to end the hostilities Israel is currently engaged in.

Can Israel then pretend it needs help “defending” itself against supposedly unprovoked attacks from hostile countries made for no reason at all?

While the United States may speak of an “unwavering commitment” to Israel’s defense, the U.S. isn’t really vowing to defend Israel; it is vowing to participate in Israeli aggression. That could include Israeli nuclear strikes against Iran.

While some in Israel may believe that they are exercising political power, the Israeli people are themselves victims of a broader policy:

The economically destructive system of the trans-Atlantic collapses under its own corruption and stupidity, with little to rely on besides its past accomplishments and investments, and current military and other coercion, while most of the world looks eagerly toward the different paradigm represented in China’s meteoric growth, Russia’s independence, India’s neutrality, and the hopeful possibilities of global development. But rather than acknowledge their manifold errors, the Anglo-American elites have come to hate reason and rationality itself, for getting in the way of their infantile desires for a hegemony now impossible to maintain.

But all is not lost, even for those who have succumbed to pro-war propaganda.

The power of human creativity to transform our relationship to nature, has expanded our knowledge, our economies, and our cultural potential. It is the universal potential that binds together our unique species. Its illuminating power fills a crucial role in moral development and strength.

A core of leadership is required, urgently, to shape policies towards those beneficial ends.

In her Wednesday webcast, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche said,

I think we are absolutely on the verge of the apocalypse on two fronts. One is naturally the Middle East, and the other one is the escalation of the situation in Ukraine. I think it requires an extraordinary mobilization of many people and many forces around the world to shift the situation.

The Anglo-American elites are trying to start World War III. Will you act to chart a better course? On Friday, the anniversary of the 1945 nuclear bombing of Nagasaki, the International Peace Coalition is convening “Final Call Before World War Three—Or First Steps to a New Peace Paradigm?” Join!


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