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Arsen Avakov, the man whom the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has stated is the current preferred U.S. option for replacing Volodymyr Zelenskyy as President of Ukraine is the former Minister of Internal Affairs for Ukraine, who oversaw the creation of the avowedly neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and equally neo-Nazi Myrotvorets kill list, during his long reign as Internal Affairs Minister from 2014 until July 2021. This neo-Nazi was protected and promoted throughout that period by the U.S. government, with the State Department’s Victoria “Maidan coup” Nuland and then-FBI Director Christopher Wray leading the way.

EIR identified Avakov’s ties to the FBI in its August 26, 2022 release, “Azov Brigade’s Godfather and Protector of Myrotvorets Website Has a Deal with FBI.” Avakov, “before becoming the Interior Minister of Victoria Nuland’s famous Prime Minister Arseniy ‘Yats’ Yatsenyuk, was an `honored economist’ in the banking sector,” EIR noted. “Following the 2014 ‘revolution,’ Avakov was appointed Acting Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. In that capacity he met CIA chief John Brennan in May 2014….

“Avakov admitted he was involved in the creation of Azov in 2014. It was under his orders that the battalion was integrated into the National Guard. Several veterans of the Azov regiment were placed by Avakov in important positions in his ministry….

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