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Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko is warning about Ukraine goal to bring about a nuclear response from Russia. Credit:

As the military conflicts Russia-Ukraine and Southwest Asia continue to escalate, will voices of sanity organize a new paradigm before the possibility of speaking for peace is itself eradicated?

President of Belarus Lukashenko warns that Ukraine’s goal is to bring about a nuclear response from Russia (or from Russian weapons in Belarus), which the Ukrainian regime believes would totally discredit Russia throughout the world.

Ukraine’s provocations toward both the Zaporozhye and Kursk nuclear power plants threaten another sort of nuclear catastrophe—the blackmail of violating civilized norms in targeting for military action nuclear facilities and their spent fuel storage.

A Ukrainian hacking group has announced that it has taken the battle deep within Russia, targeting internet infrastructure used by scientific and defense institutions in the Chelyabinsk area.

The bizarre spectacle of the U.S. presidential election, in which the Democratic candidate (who came to that position by decidedly un-democratic means) has yet to sit for an interview or answer unscripted questions, reminds us that we must seek elsewhere for leadership, including seeking the potential in ourselves to provide it. A productive future, growing economic output, investment in breakthroughs like nuclear fusion, efficient energy and infrastructure, export of high-tech goods internationally—these are the elements of a better United States. The price-gouging plan by Kamala Harris is just another demonstration that the principles of physical economy are not understood, or simply rejected.

Heroic weapons inspector Scott Ritter, whose ongoing defense of the U.S. Constitution motivates his opposition to extermination warfare with Russia, has had his passport seized and his electronic communication devices confiscated. He reports too that his massive archive of files on the truth of Iraq’s weapons program and its disarmament—two dozen boxes worth—have been taken by the FBI.

But we can look forward and upward to a better future! Some examples:

A group of aerospace engineers in Shanghai is working on a propellant-free means of launching cargo from the Moon to the Earth, using electricity, rather than fuel, to create the motion. What would be brought back from the Moon? Helium-3, the engineers explain, which will be the premiere fuel for nuclear fusion in the future. Extremely scarce on our planet, it is found in relative abundance in the lunar soil, continually replenished by solar wind.

The triennial FOCAC Forum on China-Africa Cooperation is scheduled to begin in two weeks in Beijing. The BRICS Summit will bring together the leaders of that growing association at the end of October in Kazan, Russia.

Iran has signed agreements with Russia to import much more Russian natural gas, with the possibility of re-exporting gas beyond Iran’s domestic needs over the course of the 30-year agreement. There are significant energy shortages in neighboring countries, which could benefit from gas transiting Iran. The destruction of Nord Stream may have deprived Germany and the rest of Europe of a reliable source of gas, but gas exports from Russia are doing just fine.

And in the U.K., a civil servant has resigned from his post over his disagreement with the nation’s support for Israel’s actions against Gaza: “Each day we witness clear and unquestionable examples of War Crimes and breaches of International Humanitarian Law in Gaza perpetrated by the State of Israel,” he is reported to have said in his resignation letter.

Will the people of Anglo-American NATO force a transformation in policy and culture, to join and shape a new paradigm of relations based on the fundamentally creative, developing character of the human species?