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Netanyahu Presents New Spokesman, Omer Dostri, Supporter of Ethnic Cleansing

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appointed on Aug. 4 a new spokesman, Omer Dostri, who supports the illegal Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip, and the expulsion of Palestinians from the territory, report Haaretz on Aug. 4. “There is no victory over Hamas without three basic conditions: military occupation of the entire Gaza Strip, military and civilian control of the area, and encouragement of voluntary migration of Gazans out of the strip,” Dostri said in January.

In reality, this is ethnic cleansing: Palestinians, whose homes have been blown up by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), who are denied food and medical care, some of whose family members have been killed, and who are under constant bombardment, are then asked, “Wouldn’t you like to ‘voluntarily’ emigrate?” However, Dostri isn’t even awaiting the answer to the question. “Israel must order the rapid establishment of Israeli settlements in many of the areas it occupies, especially those close to the current border,” Dostri wrote in the Israeli digital publication Makor Rishon.

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