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Russian Foreign Ministry: US Ready to Give Kiev "Carte Blanche" To Hit Deep Into Russia

Maria Zakharova. Credit: Russian Foreign Ministry

Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for Russia’s Foreign Ministry, stated that Washington is prepared to lift its ban on Ukrainian strikes deep inside Russia’s territory with the use of US-supplied weapons, according to RIA Novosti. “Extremely serious conclusions” can be drawn, she maintained, from Washington’s latest statements. “Ukraine has been given a carte blanche for operations in Russian regions. Furthermore, the administration of Joe Biden is obviously getting ready to make new concessions to Zelensky and give him a free hand to use virtually any type of American weapons, including deep into Russian territory.”

Washington “has effectively become a party to the armed conflict over Ukraine. The US course towards escalation is becoming increasingly outrageous. It seems that the American elites have cast aside the last vestiges of common sense and believe that anything is allowed to them.”

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