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Russian Reports of Ukrainian Desperation Plot: ‘False Flag’ Dirty Atomic Bomb

Russian reports surfaced yesterday of a Ukrainian “false flag” operation to explode a dirty atomic bomb, blame it on Russia, and stampede the West into a nuclear response. Russian military expert Marat Khairullin posted Aug. 16 on his Telegram channel: “Sources on the other side report that the [Ukrainians] are preparing a nuclear false flag—an explosion of a dirty atomic bomb. They plan to strike the storage sites of spent nuclear fuel of a nuclear power plant.” Further, special warheads are already being staged at Ukraine’s Vostochny Mining and Processing plant in Zhovti Vody. He said that Kiev and its backers are desperate and willing to try anything.” The nuclear plants in Zaporozhye and in Kursk are targets.

Also yesterday, a security official in the Russian Military Administration of Kharkov Region told RIA Novosti that Kiev is planning to use radioactive warheads to target the spent fuel storage sites of a nuclear power plant, and the ammunition has already been delivered to Zhovti Vody. Similar details as Khairullin’s report were included, but the official added that Ukrainian POWs provided some of the intelligence. TASS reported that the Kharkov Region military-civilian administration’s Department of the Interior explained that the intelligence was obtained from the interrogation of Ukrainian servicemen from the 82nd Air Assault Brigade.

RIA Novosti further reported that a leader of the Nikolaev Region, one Sergey Lebedev, claimed, “Banderites are planning to carry out a missile attack with NATO weapons on the Kursk and Zaporozhye nuclear power plants in the near future. Western intelligence agencies, mainly British, are supervising the terrorist attack. Long-range missiles do not fly without their knowledge.”

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