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Democratic Party circus that nominated Kamala Harris, who want the U.S. to have the most lethal fighting force in the world. Credit: Kamla Harris Facebook page

There was something that should not escape notice, said Thursday night at the Democratic National Convention, and pointed out by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche at the conclusion of her Friday address to the International Peace Coalition. Behind that convention statement lies an intent that could bring about the end of civilization itself, and as soon as within the next weeks, or months. Vice-President Kamala Harris, in her Thursday evening speech, August 22, said: “As Commander-In-Chief, I will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world.”

The messenger need not—as Kamala Harris does not—grasp the meaning of the message, in order to deliver it. In this case, the message is not the words, but what those words imply. The message, spoken through the puppet now occupying the Vice-Presidency of the United States, and who aspires to be Puppet-In-Chief, is actually coming from the once-hegemonic, now hopelessly bankrupt, set of trans-Atlantic financial institutions, and the “failed states” they have enslaved, that owe an unpayable $2 quadrillion in debt. In the guise of NATO, they met, only a month ago in Washington, D.C., to consolidate a drive for a near-term escalation to a three-front total war. In other times, one might dismiss Harris’ words as second-rate rhetorical flourish. Not now. It is a declaration of intent, not for the future, but for this moment. Total War Now! is the actual meaning of puppet Harris’ message.

This is a time like no other—a time in which “Global NATO” has actually invaded Russia. Harris’ words, though mindlessly uttered by her, carry the full weight of the office of the Presidency of the United States—a Presidency which, in fact, has the capacity to launch a thermonuclear first strike from a nation whose military policy has not sworn off the first use of thermonuclear weapons, is the only nation on the planet to have actually used nuclear weapons, and has now, together with British intelligence, organized and participated in the invasion of the most powerful thermonuclear power the world. Note also the adoption this past March of a secret “Nuclear Employment Guidance” by the Biden Administration leaked only this week to the New York Times and others.

It is now clear, including from articles published in the New York Times and other outlets, that the invasion of Russia was planned at least a year ago, and that its planning and execution, from the beginning, involved the participation of NATO forces, including operatives from Poland, Ukraine, the United States, Germany and other nations. A Russian commander, Major General Apti Alaudinov, commander of the Chechen Akhmat special forces and deputy chief of the Russian Armed Forces’ Main Military-Political Department, in an August 19 interview, has also made this clear.

Alaudinov stated that the invasion of Kursk “was prepared directly under the American leadership. These forces invaded the territory of the Kursk region…. The initial task was to take control of the nuclear power plant, as well as the Kursk and possibly Belgorod regions. We have quite credible information about these intentions. After this, they intended to put Russia to the negotiation table with ultimatum conditions, to make Russia withdraw its troops from the territory of the four currently Russian regions, to make it kneel.”

Alaudinov also delivered a message to the people of the United States and Europe: “You probably do not see or hear that your leadership is doing all it can to launch a nuclear war, and the blame for the current situation in the world lies solely on America and the NATO bloc … as you’ve been trying with all means to make Russia cross the red line and start protecting itself using all these nuclear weapons. I don’t think this is something you really want. If you don’t want this to happen, speak out! Go to the streets and stop your government!” He concluded: “In any case, if you want Russia to lose the war, you have to understand: The Russian nuclear state will not lose the war. After all, why do we need the world if there is no Russia? That’s why I’m saying: You either wake up and go to the streets to stop your government, or you all (will) appear … in the Third World War zone. This is the issue of the nearest future! The (Special Military Operation) either ends this year, or it transfers into the Third World War. And you will not enjoy it.”

Going out into the streets, however—though necessary, desirable and perhaps even primary in the short term—is far below sufficient. We must be “an engine of ideas” and solutions. From the Zepp-LaRouche Ten Principles for a New International Security and Development Architecture, programs and policies can be fruitfully outlined, and then advanced. We must not only discard the present policies, but supplant and replace them with clear, pro-human-based alternatives.

Speaking in the 64th consecutive Friday meeting of the International Peace Coalition about how to assemble a “Council of Reason” to intervene right now to reverse direction, Zepp-LaRouche said: “Everybody knows that there are people who are not like this present cabal. They are mostly older, (and) they still have an idea that we cannot have another world war, and that war in the time of thermonuclear weapons is not an option…. There are people that think like that. That’s the first qualification. And they have to be above parties. They have to be non-partisan, because they have to speak for the totality of their country, or even beyond that, of humanity as a whole. So if you have an idea of who fits that category, of being completely integrous, having high-level qualities to bring into the effort. Because the purpose of this Council is that they should come forward … and actually intervene.”