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Ukraine Could Have Saved 115,000 Troops by Agreeing to Putin’s Peace Offer

In remarks in Baku, Azerbaijan on Aug. 6, Sergei Shoigu, the secretary of the Russian Security Council, argued that the Kiev regime missed a chance to save lives when it ignored Russian President Vladimir Putin’s June 14 proposal for stopping the war. “The territory liberated by our forces in these two months has covered 420 square kilometers and, according to our defense ministry, Ukraine has lost more than 115,000 troops. This is a big number—115,000, nearly 60,000 a month,” he said, reported TASS. “But this could have been stopped if the conditions set forth by our President were observed. So now it’s clear what we have to do—our troops are moving forward.”

“Each day [the Kiev regime] waits to make this decision [to settle the conflict] results in the loss of control over another part of the territories that Ukrainians claim to be theirs and, most importantly, the loss of thousands of lives,” Shoigu continued. “The Kiev regime’s illusions that the Europeans will hold another grand peace summit for Ukraine, where all its domestic problems will be miraculously resolved, are costing the Ukrainian people dearly. Ukraine’s window of opportunity is closing. The choice is up to the Ukrainian people,” he stressed.