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Unity Against Nuclear War Threat in Stockholm in Demo on Hiroshima Day

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 7, 2024 (EIRNS)—A successful Humanity for Peace demonstration took place in Stockholm, Sweden on Aug. 6, Hiroshima day. It was very dynamic with 11 speakers, and moderated by Ulf Sandmark of the Schiller Institute in Sweden. In the introduction he pointed to the continuation from the groundbreaking Rage Against the War Machine demonstration in Washington, D.C. on February 19, bringing together forces from all sides of the political spectrum and the launching of the Humanity for Peace and International Peace Coalition to continue that. After that, many demonstrations, bloggers and social media publications internationally have invited each other, breaking up the attempts by the establishment to divide and rule.

In Stockholm at last year’s Hiroshima day an historic demonstration took place for the first time in Sweden, bridging the left-right divide. It made possible for these forces to stand together, although in limited numbers, to resist the Swedish accession to NATO and the bilateral agreement between United States and Sweden to allow U.S. troops into 17 Swedish military bases.

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