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Leading Dutch Scientist Expresses Concern About Expulsion of Russia from CERN

In the wake of the [letter]( from the President of Russia’s Kurchatov Institute Mikhail Kovalchuk, a scientist and friend of the Schiller Institute wrote a letter in response. EIR has decided to publish it in full:

“The message from the President of the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center makes me sad. Even in the hottest days of the cold war, physicists and astronomers were able to keep in contact with their colleagues on the other side. I learnt a large part of my basic statistical physics knowledge from the Pergamon books of Landau and Lifschitz.

“This is a new all-time low in mankind’s future perspective. I believe that the CERN decision is not according to the wishes of most CERN physicists, unless there has been an unheard of bureaucratic and political pressure. The arms of the United Financial Elite through its Deep State are long and strong. They don’t care about what is good for physics or science in general. They think they know enough already.

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