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Russian Diplomat Says West ‘Directly Involved’ in Ukraine War

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova made plain, during a press conference on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, that the so-called West is the main instigator behind the war in Ukraine. “We can see now that the West is directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine,” she said, reported TASS. “The collective West is literally the main mastermind and instigator behind the Kiev regime’s military aggression. And, as an interested party, it is demonstrating its direct involvement in the conflict in an increasingly brazen and overt manner.”

Zakharova noted that not so long ago, Western leaders had said that their key goal in Ukraine “is to support the Kiev regime on its journey to democracy.” But now,"she stressed, “the West has come to make such bold calls and statements that it has also turned into a direct threat.”

Zakharova also argued that the reason why the Kiev regime is seeking the lifting of using Western-supplied weapons against Russia is that the battlefield situation is worsening rapidly for the Ukrainian army. “The Kiev regime and its Western sponsors remain obsessed with the idea of—as they put it—inflicting a strategic defeat on us. Given that the situation on the battlefield is getting worse for the Ukrainian armed forces, the Kiev regime has started to promote what they call a new plan,” she said. “They continue begging the West to lift its restrictions on long-range strikes on our country,” Zakharova explained. However, this will turn out to be “a plan of trouble” for Kiev rather than “a plan of victory,” she said.

“Ukrainian Defense Minister [Rustem] Umerov has sent a list of targets in Russia to Kiev’s American handlers,” Zakharova went on to say. “What does the Zelenskyy regime’s activity speak about? It makes it clear that they are completely detached from reality and don’t care about anyone in Ukraine, including civilians and those who have been forced to join the Ukrainian army.”