Dmitry Medvedev, former President of Russia and currently Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, warned in a statement on his Telegram channel today that Russia hasn’t used nuclear weapons for the obvious reasons, but its patience isn’t unlimited. “What do Western leaders and their political establishment, which has gotten carried away with the war, think about our country’s reaction to probable missile strikes ‘deep into the territory'? Well, here’s what they think: the Russians talk a lot about responding with weapons of mass destruction, but do nothing. These are just ‘verbal interventions.’ The Russians will not cross the line. They are just scaring. They don’t need a nuclear conflict, they can lose more, including the support of the Global South. Anyway, who needs the apocalypse? Well, and so on in the same way,” Medvedev wrote, reported TASS.
Medvedev underscored that no one really needs a nuclear conflict—it is “a very bad story with a very difficult outcome.” He noted, “That is why the decision to use nuclear weapons (non-strategic or even strategic) has not been made so far. Russia is showing patience. After all, it is obvious that a nuclear response is an extremely difficult decision with irreversible consequences,” adding that “any patience comes to an end.”