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Mexico’s Former Congressman Robles: Nuclear War Danger Is Due to Systemic Financial Collapse

In a paper prepared for the XXVIII International Seminar “Parties and New Society,” held Sept. 26-28 in Mexico City, Benjamin Robles, a prominent Mexican former Senator and former Congressman, currently a member of the National Political Commission of the Labor Party (PT), denounced the danger of nuclear war facing mankind, and argued that this is due to “the inevitable financial disintegration” of the speculative Western system. To address these twin dangers, Robles proposed “the implementation of a new world financial architecture… [and] a new security order on a global scale.”

Robles, who has spoken at a number of Schiller Institute conferences, earlier this year issued an open letter on his letterhead of the Chamber of Deputies, “More Urgent than Ever: Stop the Danger of Nuclear War!” In his prepared remarks for the “Parties and New Society” conference, attended by representatives of 134 parties from 55 countries, Robles began by stating that “what is well underway is the process of disintegration of the dollar financial system, which threatens world peace.” He noted that the discussions of “the possibility of attacking Russia with long-range missiles… are part of a very dangerous scenario that points to a nuclear confrontation.”

“Why is it that the rentier oligarchy wants to use the war card at this time?” he asked. “Well, besides wanting to stay in power for another thousand years, the reason lies in the inevitable financial disintegration and, on the other hand, the bold, creative emergence of `multipolarity’ composed of the Global South, the BRICS nations and those countries that are part of the Belt and Road Initiative and all the new mechanisms of collaboration.”

After delving into the cause of the financial breakdown crisis, including an analysis of the derivatives bubble with graphics he reported were provided by EIR, Robles turned to solutions.

“Let me emphasize my proposal in this regard, which is the creation of a New World Financial Architecture. It is not de-dollarization for de-dollarization’s sake, without proposing an alternative. Great care must be taken,” he emphasized. Robles then issued a call for a “Minimum Action Program including:

“1.- A worldwide mass mobilization in favor of peace and the progress of all nations.

“2.- Implementation of a new world financial architecture.

“3.- Implementation of a new security order on a world scale.

“4.- A reorganization of the United Nations for the construction of peace.

“To these ends, a working group should be created in order to reach overall agreements with the countries of the Global South, the BRICS and the Latin American region as such.”