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Russian Duma Leader: Ukraine Has No Ability to Make Nuclear Weapons

The head of the State Duma Defense Committee Andrei Kartapolov told RIA Novosti in an [interview]( Thursday that Ukraine has no capacity to make nuclear weapons, despite claims to the contrary. Kartapolov was responding to Ukrainian President Zelensky’s claim that Ukraine might develop its own nuclear weapon and a separate report in the Bild Zeitung which claimed Ukraine could produce a bomb in as little as a few weeks.

“This is complete nonsense, they have nothing for this. There are no competencies, no materials, no equipment. Fairy tales about creating nuclear weapons from waste for nuclear fuel are fairy tales for the poorly educated... Real nuclear weapons are absolutely excluded. Iran has been trying to create them for so long. Despite having much greater competence, there is still no reliable data that it has created them or not. And Ukraine has not yet begun to do this, there is no one to do this,” Kartapolov said, according a to a translation by Andrew Korybko.

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