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An 'Historic Opportunity To Intervene' for Humanity

Romanians rally to protest the illegal cancellation of their elections. Credit: Călin Georgescu Facebook page

In today’s era of nuclear weapons, the hot zones of confrontation—in Ukraine, in Southwest Asia—constitute an unprecedented danger for all humankind. Yet at the same time, this is “an historic opportunity to intervene” to shape events that can lead a course out of the danger, into an unprecedented era of development. This was the evaluation reiterated today by Schiller Institute founder and leader Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who elaborated on the reasons favorable to success, if we intervene. She referred to the fact that the old system of geopolitics and monetarism is dying, and the persisting attempts of the U.S., U.K. and Collective West to impose their will to try to continue unilateral domination will fail.

Among our biggest challenges is to revive and uplift the culture, positive traditions and outlook of all nations, but especially among the Western nations degraded by counter-culture and mind-control, in order to restore appreciation for axioms of development, not depravity.

Across Europe, there is an expanding wave of recognition among many nations that their national interest in economic life, education, science, foreign relations and all respects has been suffocated under the U.S./U.K., and Brussels influences. Look at the recent election results and other expressions of sovereign interests in Austria, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and more. Even in Poland—staunch Global NATO bastion—Polish farmers staged a protest in Warsaw, demonstrating against the EU, when Poland began its six-month EU presidency Jan. 1.

The United States has strayed far away from its original contribution to universal history: successfully breaking away from the British Empire. As of the 21st century the U.S. itself is at the forefront of the Global NATO financial-complex empire. President Joe Biden today read a speech at the U.S. State Department, extolling U.S. leadership by listing all the military alliances that are in operation, from “strengthening the Quad,” to supporting Ukraine, to opposing Iran, etc.

To kick off his list, Biden boasted how “the U.S. economy is booming.” Just the scenes around Los Angeles going up in flames refute his lie. Had the needed infrastructure-building programs been conducted in North America for the past half-century, there would be no such fire catastrophes, and far fewer and milder droughts, floods and disasters of any kind. The beneficial effects of the continental-scale North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA), proposed by California engineers over 60 years ago, would have enhanced the environment, providing water and power. Urban and rural aging waterworks (pipes, pumps, water mains, fire-fighting systems) should have been upgraded. The electricity transmission lines in fire-prone areas should be underground. And nuclear power and Pacific seawater desalination should be functioning today, including in Mexico, as once planned during the Atoms for Peace era.

Moreover, had that been done, U.S. steel making, heavy equipment, and capital goods manufacture would be booming. Instead, there is a dance-of-death underway in every sector of basic production, on how to keep going. Over the weekend, for example, the Biden Administration back-tracked on its disallowing Japan-based Nippon Steel from buying out U.S. Steel, by declaring that there will be a delay of enforcing this for another six months while the issue is contested further.

Restoring the principle of development—the basis for peace—is urgent, as the axiom for economic policy, both domestically in North America and Europe, and internationally in collaboration with the Global Majority. The tasks of dealing with debt burdens, creating credit and plans for priority projects are reviewed in the Schiller Institute international paper, “Development Drive Means Billions of New Jobs, No Refugees, No War.”

Pope Francis began on Jan. 11 the first of what will be a Saturday Jubilee Audience every week in 2025, with special events in addition. He spoke of debt set-aside as part of creating hope.

In the forefront of intervening for hope is enlistment of action for the “Oasis Plan” approach throughout the entire Southwest Asia region, with the centerpiece being infrastructure in Palestine. It is notable that last night, on the eve of Biden’s farewell address at the State Department, Josh Paul and other former officials at the State Department who resigned in protest over the IDF/U.S./U.K. genocide in Gaza, presented their tough reports on the CBS News “60 Minutes” program.

A special intervention to expose the deadly war party networks in the U.S.—their lies and crimes—has been launched today by The LaRouche Organization, which released a new dossier identifying many of the big lies and concocted narratives done by these U.S. government networks. The aide memoir is titled “The Liars’ Bureau.”

This document is timed for circulation in Washington, D.C., and internationally, just as the U.S. Senate hearings begin tomorrow on nominees for the new Trump Administration. President-elect Donald Trump’s designations for Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard and for FBI Director Kash Patel have drawn extreme wrath and fear among enemies of the U.S. and humanity. (The schedule of their Senate hearings has not yet been made known.) “The Liars’ Bureau” opens, “Who wants to block the confirmations of Tulsi Gabbard and Kash Patel, and what are they trying to hide?”

Diane Sare, President of the The LaRouche Organization (TLO), in a transmittal letter addressed to Senators, stated: “Both former Congresswoman Lt. Col. Tulsi Gabbard and former federal prosecutor Kash Patel have had the courage to stand against the tide of manipulated public opinion to question the narratives which have proven to be very harmful to the well-being of our people and our Republic. This is what qualifies them both to serve in the posts for which President-elect Donald Trump has nominated them.”