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Russia’s SVR Claims U.S. State Department Plotting To Overthrow Georgia

Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) claimed yesterday that Washington is organizing to interfere in the elections in Georgia, and a lot more. It claims that the U.S. State Department has pre-arranged the content of at least two reports to be issued by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The first, to be released 10-20 days prior to Georgia’s election, will state there are “no conditions in the country to hold free and fair elections.”

Then, after the first round of the election, “it would issue a statement to declare the electoral process not to be up to democratic norms.” Georgian opposition forces will cite its criticism to justify “mass protests aimed at seizing power in the country.” The SVR adds that such use of the ODIHR clearly violates the OSCE’s stated mission, the Russian agency added.

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