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IEA Report Highlights `Slippage’ in Great Reset Cuts; Demands Full Compliance

In June 2020, the International Energy Agency published the Sustainable Recovery Plan, “designed to avoid the kind of sharp rebound in carbon emissions that accompanied the economic recovery from the 2008-2009 global financial crisis,” according to the press release at that time. A year later, the IEA has released a follow-up Sustainable Recovery Tracker, which — while acknowledging that a lot has happened in that direction last year — says its not nearly enough, and renews the demand that it get its full pound of flesh.

Of the $16 trillion (mostly hyperinflationary bailouts) which has been spent so far, only $2.3 trillion has actually gone to projects IEA defines as “growth,” they say. Within that, an even smaller $380 billion qualifies as “green” growth, for “energy-related” projects. That amounts to a mere $18 billion per year spread out between now and 2030. While this might be a 30% increase from “historic” (pre-2020) levels, says the IEA, it’s a mere 35% of what the ghouls demanded in their “Plan.”

“Even if all the recovery plans announced to date were implemented without delay,” says the Tracker, “CO2 emissions would continue to increase, climbing to record levels by 2023 with no clear peak in sight. While sustainable recovery actions will help minimize energy-related emissions growth, they still leave the world far from the pathway to net-zero emissions by 2050, as outlined in the recent IEA Roadmap.” They cut 800 million tons of CO2 annually, but 3,500 million tons is what must be cut, demands IEA.

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