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Pandemics, Epidemics, and War, the Treatment Reserved for You by the Wall St.-London Axis of Evil

When the Berlin Wall came down, so, too, did Wall Street, which fell like a ton of bricks on the weary heads of the former East bloc. One way of measuring the outcome of the “shock therapy” economic measures forced upon the nations of the former USSR is found in the exponential rise of diphtheria cases. The number of cases soared from the level of around a thousand or two at the fall of the Wall, to some 50,000 in 1995.

(Graph here:

Were similar “shock therapy” to be imposed worldwide, under the banner of a Green New Deal, what sort of ecological holocaust could be unleashed? A task force assembled by Lyndon LaRouche in 1973 addressed itself to the potential for the explosive spread of diseases, new and old, under conditions of rapid economic deterioration.

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